Deep State Detectives Captain Convey and Audacious Cat Investigate Government Corruption And Report Results.

The Corruption Of Dominion Voting Machines And Officials 10-31-24

Take the time to read the information that Mesa County Co Colorado whistle blower has exposed.

Tina’s Declaration – Sworn Affidavit

In her affidavit Tina Peters explains how corrupt local, state ad federal officals work to suppress votes.

She also explains how corrupt officials, prosecuters and judges, use the law in a corrupt way to punish those who tell the truth that they want suppressed.

Its only 9 pages and a must read for those who want to know the truth.

Click the link below to donate to Tina Peters.


Selection Code Documentary Film – Tina Peters (1 HR) (Free)

You Won’t Be Able To Unsee What You Are About To See;

SELECTION CODE follows the story of Tina Peters the County Clerk in Mesa Colorado, who made a backup of her counties Dominion Voting System server, only to stumble across evidence of manipulation in a recent local city council election…. and also the 2020 general election.

Tina’s discovery ignites a chain reaction upending her life. And upending the world.

You will not be able to unsee what you see.

We stand at an apex in human history. Are we handing too much power to technology – and those that program it?

SELECTION CODE is a political thriller uncovering a secret so critical to the survival of America it transcends political parties.

It is not about correcting the past.

It’s about correcting the future.


Captain Convey Comment

In 2024, the future, Dominion voting machines can be setup by corrupt local officals to manipulate the vote count and unless there is a Tina Peters in your county voting center you will NEVER know your vote has been manipulated or eased.

Also dominion voting machines don’t have to be hacked but can easily be manipulated by corrupt local officials to change the vote count and how you vote etc.

Not only Dominion voting machines but ANY voting machine.

The local county voting officials will tell you the machines are not connected to the internet, therefore the code can’t be changed.


The machines in most cases are not connected to the internet BUT the programs that can be accessed by local county officials can easily manipulate or erase you vote.

If you live in a county where there are honest voting officials it just takes one corrupt person in a voting center to “fix the election”.

Tina Peters exposes also that the auditing process doesn’t contain how the scanners and computers counted the vote.

There is an auditing process for voting machines but it allows for vote count fraud because it to is flawed and a fradulent way to audit voting machines.

So when county voting officials tell you the vote count has been audited and no errors were found means the audit was conducted without knowing how the scanners and computers counted the votes.

Unless a forensic backup of the voting computers were preserved there is NO way a regular vote count audit can find where corrupt county officials manipulated the vote.

Can the 2024 election be stolen again?

It can in many corrupt counties that allow it to happen with or without their knowledge because voting machines can easily be manipulated to change the vote, before and after the fact.

This is where the phrase, “To Big To Rig” must be understood.

If people vote and vote early for President Trump it will be harder to steal the election through voting machine fraud and unverified ballot fraud in the counties that allow unverified ballots to be counted and counties that manipulate voting machines.


Meanwhile President Trump contiues to “Take Out The Garbage.”

The garbage continues to accumulate every time kamala harris or joe biden open their mouth.


President Trump Leans out of garbage truck window and listens for
the words, “Moan Back”, as he describes taking out kamala harris
and joe biden campaign garbage, that is toxic.

People can say what they want about Donald Trump, but one thing that is undeniable about him is that he is an absolute showman who knows how to turn just about any situation into something that is a net positive for him and devastatingly embarrassing to his political opponents.

The comment biden made about Trump MAGA voters being garbage is going
to help President Trump win the 2024 election by at least 3 points as pointed
out in the above UK Daily Mail article.

Thank you TRASH MOUTH Joe Biden!