Who we are
Our website address is: http://audaciouscat.com
There is No we.
There are NO visitor comments on this website.
Only Captain Convey posts and comments.
This website posts truthful information that can be relied on.
But don’t just take my word for it be sure to get a second or third opinion to verify what you read.
You can be sure what you read on most other social media websites is fake, fabricated lies and deceptions.
There is NO censorship on my website.
As Rush Limbaugh use to say, For those of you in reolinda No Censorship doesn’t mean I don’t censor myself.
It means there is No censorship on my website because I am the only one who post articles or comments.
I don’t censor myself.
So I post what I want to, when I want to and how I want to.
If you read one of my articles or comments and disagree I suspect you are in denial of something because you have not done research and got 2nd or 3rd opinions verifying information.
If you offended by my articles or comments thats your problem and not mine.
Much of my content is gathered from https://theconservativetreehouse.com/
I am NOT telling you how or what to think.
I am just giving you truthful informaton with my comments.
If you agree with the articles or comments I hope you will also verify the article or comment.
I speak the Truth To Power here and hope you will become more informed and less controlled by those who want to tell you how and what to think.
Is Captain convey a real person?
Yes thats me but I am only a captain of my website who conveys information thats NOT censored.
Your privacy is safe on this website.
I don’t collect any data.
Your privacy is not safe anywhere if you use the internet.
Thats because the 4th branch of government monitors all that you do and I do.
The 4th branch of government, the intel agencies, monitor and control social media.
This website is not controlled by the 4th branch of government except where search engines are controlled by the intel agencies.
Content on this website is not subject to editing by the 4th branch of government except by hiding my website in search engines.