I read articles on https://theconservativetreehouse.com everyday.
I check the website often for the latest insightful articles and comments.
I comment on various articles on the website.
Sometimes my comments are serious and other times I like to make amusing comments.
I don’t make troll type of comments that are off topic or out of line.
Recently there have been many articles about President Trump’s picks for his cabinet and other jobs.
People say President Trump has the right to pick whom he choses, I agree.
That means to some people, just let Trump be President and let the man do what he wants to do without a discussion that would disagree about his nominees.
I read some comments where people get a upset when Trump’s nominees are questioned.
I see other comments were people get upset or disagree about some of the nominees Trump has set in motion.
This is one of the reasons I like to read the comments.
The comments can sometimes have insightful analysis that adds to the original article.
When the trend is mostly negative toward a Trump nominee there is a reason explained in the original article.
The comments often expound on the insightful articles posted by Sundance on https://theconservativetreehouse.com
Most of the time I agree with Sundance and often the other comments that agree with my point of view.
My opinion of Pam Bondie is it was a big mistake for Trump to nominate her because of her record in Florida that disqualifies her because of:
“No prosecutor in Florida wanted to touch the case because the evidence against Zimmerman just didn’t exist. However, Florida AG Bondi replaced the Sanford officials with State investigators working for a new “special prosecutor” Angela Corey, out of Jacksonville.”
Martin family attorney’s Benjamin Crump and Daryl Parks then began creating a fabricated case construct to sell to the media. The PR firm led by Ryan Julison provided the initial media contacts and narrative distribution of the fabricated case. The majority of that fabricated case still exists in the public psyche despite all of the truth that came out during the trial of a transparently innocent George Zimmerman.
Pam Bondi was part of that fraudulent prosecution architecture.
In fact, without her origination the state case against Zimmerman was non-existent.
Everything told about the Trayvon Martin shooting was a lie, including his age, the “skittles and iced-tea” story, this background criminal record, Trayvon’s known drug use, and just about everything else. It was all an entirely manufactured Lawfare case, pushed to a compliant media.
None of the witness statements were ever in the media. None of the (full context) 911 call evidence was ever in the media. None of the images of George Zimmerman’s face and head were ever in the media. None of the corroborating forensic evidence was ever in the media. None of the accurate pictures of Trayvon Martin were ever in the media. Nothing. It was one big, fabricated Lawfare operation headed by Benjamin Crump and Special Prosecutor Angela Corey.
Pam Bodi was a corrupt Atty General in Florida that persecuted an INNOCENT man.
Pam Bondi looks pretty good for a 69 year old woman.
Don’t let all that makeover fool you.
Why Trump is so enamored with her is a mystery to me.
I could speculate but that isn’t important.
What is important to know is President Trump has nominated an individual that has a tainted record as atty gen in florida.
Tainted because she OWNS the Zimmerman case that was a total injustice.
Some people want to sugar coat that fact. I don’t.
Mr President my Disappointment with your selection of this nominee is growing.
Its an OBVIOUS mistake to me.
I want to speculate on the cause of your enamored support but I won’t.
Be sure to check my new series about Pam Bondi.