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AI Danger Leading To Ultimate Control By AI 2-16-2025

Make a comment to the pin head AI scientists.

The push to upgrade AI like the manhatton nuclear bomb project is going to happen because the US can’t afford to let china or some other country or corporation to make a better AI faster.

This is the story you are being told.

This is the reason given to increase AI capability.

On the surface it gives you the knee jerk reaction of, sounds like a good idea.

The operation warp speed covid-19 jab initially sounded like a “good” idea to some even though the deadly jab was untested and the drug companies demaded full immunity if you got the jab, got sick or dropped dead. Many did and still will in the future.

In rushing to create a super AI we are going to unleash pandora’s AI box!

The rush to create a better AI is turning into an AI arms race like the nuclear bomb arms race.

This will lead to better and faster AI and the unending quest to do it faster and better.

Not just in the US but worldwide.

Better, faster AI will lead to ultimate control by AI.

Its as bad as the nuclear arms race was.

Use of nuclear weapons can destroy us but has not occurred due to mutual assured destruction and the grace of God.

The “ultimate” AI at some point will be deployed as tools for defense to fully automate military defense and offense.

Same with other counties that are in this AI arms race.

When our military throws the “switch” and gives AI control it most likely will lead to our destruction either by other countries military actions or by the AI that was created to protect us but failed or decided we were the problem and we must be eliminated.

A fully or partially automated military is a ticking time bomb wating to go off.

If AI is in full control at any point we will be in danger because we will not be able to control the super warp speed AI monster we created.

The more programming, self learning and the faster AI learns, the more it is a danger to us all.

It ain’t going to turn into an I Robot thing where it is a machine that has become a new form of life or thinks and acts like it is but at some point it will make people believe it is.

Have you noticed that all of a sudden AI has become the newest bogeyman and we must construct a better bogeyman for our defense?

Constructing the bogeyman AI is the problem.

We must do it asap out of the fear created by our government that if we don’t the bogeyman AI created by china or other countries will come and get us.

The super AI bogeyman that the government is going to create will network with the other worldwide super AI bogeyman at some point and then you have got another bigger AI bogeyman problem.

The ruse is the AI super bogeyman is the best thing we can do to protect our country.

Its not for our defense.

Its for the control of us using the IOT, internet of things and unlimited meta data.

This beast that will be created using the ruse; its needed for our defense, and we must stay on top of the AI world so another country isn’t a threat is what most people will believe.

When the super AI created decides to take over it will and the people who are fully supporting and enabling it will be responsible for their and our enslavment or destruction.

You would think President Trump could see this in the future, right?

Elon musk quotes about AI:

Recommending a book by MIT professor Max Tegmark called ‘Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, Musk called AI the best or worst thing to happen to humanity.

“[Governments] don’t need to follow normal laws. They will obtain AI developed by companies at gunpoint, if necessary.”

Commenting on the existential threat posed by AI, a Twitter user had suggested that governments would lag behind in the AI race. But Musk felt differently.

“The least scary future I can think of is one where we have at least democratized AI…[also] when there’s an evil dictator, that human is going to die. But for an AI, there would be no death. It would live forever. And then you’d have an immortal dictator from which we can never escape.”

In a documentary by American filmmaker Chris Paine, Musk dove into how the development of AI by a company or a group of people could result in the type of superintelligence that would eventually govern the world. What is more, he cited the example of Google’s DeepMind as the perfect example of this kind of technological advancement.

“If AI has a goal and humanity just happens to be in the way, it will destroy humanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it…It’s just like, if we’re building a road and an anthill just happens to be in the way, we don’t hate ants, we’re just building a road.”

“China, Russia, soon all countries w[ith] strong computer science. Competition for AI superiority at national level most likely cause of WW3.”

In response to one Twitter user, Musk also indicated that this war could be automated.

“If you’re not concerned about AI safety, you should be. Vastly more risk(y) than North Korea.”

Issuing a stark warning about AI, the entrepreneur had also suggested that the technology could pose a bigger threat to the world than a nuclear war with North Korea. In the Twitter post, he had used an image carrying the words  – In the end, the machines will win.

“Mark my words, AI is far more dangerous than nukes…why do we have no regulatory oversight?”

Musk had called out regulatory oversight when it came to AI in another occasion as well.

“AI is a rare case where I think we need to be proactive in regulation than be reactive.”

And again.

“I am not normally an advocate of regulation and oversight…I think one should generally err on the side of minimizing those things…but this is a case where you have a very serious danger to the public.”

‘The biggest issue I see with so-called AI experts is that they think they know more than they do, and they think they are smarter than they actually are…This tends to plague smart people. They define themselves by their intelligence and they don’t like the idea that a machine could be way smarter than them, so they discount the idea — which is fundamentally flawed.”

During the same interaction at SXSW 2018, Musk goes on to call those who ignore his warnings “fools”. Well.

“Robots will be able to do everything better than us…I am not sure exactly what to do about this. This is really the scariest problem to me.”

Speaking at the National Governors Association,  Musk said that this is apparent when you see that robots can learn to walk in just a few hours – faster than any human being. According to him, people are not as afraid of robotics as they should be because they don’t fully comprehend its potential.

“I have exposure to the most cutting edge AI, and I think people should be really concerned by it…AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization in a way that car accidents, airplane crashes, faulty drugs or bad food were not — they were harmful to a set of individuals within society, of course, but they were not harmful to society as a whole.”

At the same event quoted above, Musk, yet again, implored for regulation of emerging technologies like AI. 

“AI will be the best or worst thing ever for humanity.”

Recommending a book by MIT professor Max Tegmark called ‘Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, Musk called AI the best or worst thing to happen to humanity.

April 24, 2024

Elon Musk predicts superhuman AI will be smarter than people next year

His claims come with a caveat that shortages of training chips and growing demand for power could limit plans in the near term.

Superhuman artificial intelligence that is smarter than anyone on Earth could exist next year, Elon Musk has said, unless the sector’s power and computing demands become unsustainable before then.

The prediction is a sharp tightening of an earlier claim from the multibillionaire, that superintelligent AI would exist by 2029. Whereas “superhuman” is generally defined as being smarter than any individual human at any specific task, superintelligent is often defined instead as being smarter than every human’s combined ability at any task.

“My guess is that we’ll have AI that is smarter than any one human probably around the end of next year,” 

Neuralink’s First User Is ‘Constantly Multitasking’ With His Brain Implant

Noland Arbaugh is the first to get Elon Musk’s brain device.

The 30-year-old speaks to WIRED about what it’s like to use a computer with his mind—and gain a new sense of independence.

What is an elon musk neurolink implant person was connected to a warp speed super AI that Elon Musk and President Trump are trying to create?

AI is connected to a vast number of other networks and computers with access to vast amounts of data.

Remember the matrix movie?

They “plugged in” with a neuralink connection at the back of their heads.

A fiction movie but thr Elon Musk Neuralink is NOT!

I included the information about Elon Musk’s neuralink to point out that Elon Musk is all about AI and using it to control.

I know Neuralink is not a “threat” now but if it ever got to the point where it could be used to link humans in a plug and play way, it would be.

The characters in the movie could download programs to their brain and almost instantly learn how to do things a normal human being could not.

Genius engineers working for Elon Musk at DOGE are Akash Bobba, Edward Coristine, Luke Farritor, Gautier Cole Killian, Gavin Kliger, and Ethan Shaotran.

Elon Musk is in control of DOGE and the genius engineers.

Musk already has an AI called:

X.AI Corp.doing business as xAI, is an American startup company working in the area of artificial intelligence (AI). Founded by Elon Musk in March 2023, its stated goal is “to understand the true nature of the universe”.

In May 2024, Musk predicted that AI will make most jobs obsolete, requiring a high universal income.

In June 2024, the Greater Memphis Chamber announced xAI is planning on building Colossus, the world’s largest supercomputer in Memphis, Tennessee.[23] After a 122-day construction, the supercomputer went fully operational in December 2024. Local government in Memphis has voiced concerns regarding the increased usage of electricity, 150 megawatts of power at peak, and while the agreement with the city is being worked out, the company has deployed 14 VoltaGrid gas generators to temporarily enhance the power supply.

As of August 2024, Musk diverted a large number of Nvidia chips which had been ordered by Tesla, Inc. to X and xAI.

On December 23, 2024, xAI raised an additional $6 billion in a funding round supported by FidelityBlackRockSequoia Capital, among others, making its total funding over $12 billion.

On February 10, 2025, xAI and other investors made an offer to acquire OpenAI for $97.4 billion. (Elon Musk AI created for

I asked Grok AI a question:

Will elon musk use nerualink to engage with the super AI he is creating?

Grok AI gave me an answer:

Elon Musk has expressed intentions that Neuralink could play a role in enhancing human capabilities to interact more effectively with artificial intelligence (AI).

Specifically, he has suggested that Neuralink’s technology aims to increase the “bandwidth” of communication between humans and AI, which could be interpreted as a form of engagement.

This idea is rooted in Musk’s broader vision of achieving a symbiosis between humans and AI to mitigate risks associated with advanced AI development.

{ (Ancient Greek συμβίωσις symbíōsis: living with, companionship < σύν sýn: together; and βίωσις bíōsis: living)[2] is any type of a close and long-term biological interaction, between two organisms of different species. The two organisms, termed symbionts, can be either in a mutualistic, a commensalistic, or a parasitic relationship.[3] In 1879, Heinrich Anton de Bary defined symbiosis as “the living together of unlike organisms”.}

{In other words Elon Musk really has a vision of turning us into something like a Borg?}

Posts on X and various web articles mention Musk’s goals for Neuralink include:

Improving human-AI interaction to ensure human control or influence over AI.

Potentially reducing the civilizational risks posed by AI by integrating human cognitive processes with AI systems.

However, whether Musk personally will use Neuralink to engage with a super AI he is developing remains speculative as of now.

The technology is still in its early stages, with the focus currently on medical applications like restoring mobility or vision for those with neurological conditions.

Musk has hinted at broader, future applications, but these are long-term goals and not confirmed plans for his personal use.

Given this context, while there’s an intention to use Neuralink for enhancing human-AI interaction, there’s no definitive confirmation that Musk himself will use it for this specific purpose.

When Elon Musk stops studdering and his voice changes to something like HAL9000 speaking in a soothing male voice, always using a calm tone you will know the connection has been completed.

Do you get it now?

Elon Musk and DOGE makes AI look like a good thing to improve government efficiency and less spending.

In reality Elon Musk is creating an Super AI Monster.

This AI monster created by DOGE and Elon Musk could easily take control or be controlled by those who created it to help enslave us.

Grok AI says this about my question.

AI is indeed a machine, crafted and programmed by humans, while human beings are biological entities with consciousness. That’s the fundamental distinction.

AI can simulate consciousness but only simulate.

God created life with consciousness of his existance, man.

All other forms of life God created were created different with no ability to be aware they were created by God in his image.

Man cannot create life with consciousness.

Only God our creator can.


Captain Convey Comment

Elon Musk Quote April 2024

“My guess is that we’ll have AI that is smarter than any one human probably around the end of next year,”.

Today is 2/16/2025 an Elon Musk is going full speed at developing an AI that is smarter than any one human being.

This is a concern to me but I am NOT fearful.

The reason is I know God is in control and therefore I will trust in him and be at peace.

Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

God knows what is going to happen in the future, we don’t.

When we try to figure out and understand things we often get it wrong especially predicting the future etc.

If we trust in Jesus he will direct our paths and guide us.

There is NO Fear when you Trust in Jesus.