CanMan (TRASH) is listed on these coin exchanges.
You can buy all you want. Its a cheap coin.
Click here to view the canman meme coin or purchase the trash token.
canman meme | Buy my crypto coin and take out the trash!
Coin depicts a man in a rusty trash can holding an icecream cone. Who is this man and why is he in the trash can holding an icecream cone?
My first and hopefully not last meme crypto currency coin.
The canman joe biden isn’t taking out the trash he is the trash.
A meme is suppose to be different and funny.
This coin is both.
CanMan crypto token is listed on social channels.
Photon, rugcheck, and birdeye crypto exchanges.
Click the link below and click on the dropdown box next to social channels to view information about the canman crypto coin.
So you may be asking, what do I need to do or how do I purchase the canman coin?
(1) Open a account if you don’t have one.
(2) Use the Brave browser to navigate.
(3) Install the coinbase wallet extension. (Not the brave wallet.)
(4) Link the coinbase exchange to your crypto wallet extension using the brave browser only.
(5) Buy some SOL crypto for your wallet extension.
Now your ready to buy some of my canman crypto coins.
Every buy increases the value of the canman crypto coin.
Click the link below using your Brave browser.
Click on the connect wallet at the top right of screen.
This will connect your coinbase wallet ext.
Now all you need to do is decide how much to buy of the canman.
You can buy any amount.
There will be a (gas fee) of less than $0.50 and a priority fee of about $0.45.
So the total cost of buying the canman and it being recorded to the blockchain is less than $1.00
You need to know this if your not familiar with buying crypto.
You can purchase crypto on the exchange but you can’t use what you have purchased UNLESS you have created a coinbase wallet extension and connect your wallet to the coinbase exchange.
You must have a crypto wallet and that wallet must have some of the SOL coin in it to buy my crypto coin called canman.
Its time to take out the trash again. 🙂
Convert Solana to US Dollar (SOL to USD)
You don’t need to buy very much SOL to purchase the canman coin.
I purchased some canman tokens. Symbol is (trash).
I own 3,564,309.0 of the canman (trash) crypto meme coin.
But the coin was recently minted and has little value at this point.
.101 SOL is about $21.00 and it got me 3,564,309.0 canman coins.
Fee 0.0002166 SOL ($0.047)
Priority Fee 0.0002116 SOL ($0.04591)
It cost me a total of 92 cents to write the transaction to the block chain.
Its called a “gas fee” $.047
Priority fee was $.045
You can buy my mem coin in any amount.
Get some and TAKE OUT THE TRASH!
The price will be about the same unless someone suddenly buys many, like what the call a whale.
If a whale buyer bought my coin the value would go up big time.
If a whale buyer sold my coin after the value went way up the value of my coin would go way down.
I doubt if a really big buyer, thats called a whale, buys my coin but ya never know.
People can get scammed by whale buyers who make a meme coin look like a real good buy and later sell what they got leaving the other buyers in the dust.
To be safe with the canman coin, just buying a small amount for fun is safe way to “TAKE OUT THE TRASH”.
Trash will accumulate quickly and must be “taken out” on a regular basis.
Now thats a sales pitch if I ever heard one. 🙂
Don’t use it for any kind of investment because of its potential high volatility.
Thats the potential problem with the many many meme coins around.
You can get sucked in by the prospect of making money fast.
My coin is safe to buy as long as a whale buyer doesn’t buy my coin and artificially inflate the price.
The canman crypto coin was created to make fun of the man we all know about who craves icecream and calls other people trash.
When you buy my coin you are also poking fun at the man in the trash can who is where he belongs.
Remember the phrase Lets Go Brandon?
Buy some canman (Trash) crypto coin and take out the trash!