In the immediate aftermath of being shot in the ear, ultimately not knowing his physical disposition at the time, and from deep within the core instinctive nature of President Donald John Trump, his first reaction was to raise a fist and shout, “FIGHT – FIGHT – FIGHT“!

Fight, Fight, Fight. God bless President Trump

Dear God, we come before You to seek Your protection.  Strengthen President Donald John Trump with the power of Your righteous might. Dress him in Your armor so that he can stand firm against the schemes of the evil that seeks his downfall. We know his struggle, like ours, is not simply against flesh and blood; but against evil manifest, against the powers that corrupt man, against the world forces of those who succumb to darkness, against spiritual forces of wickedness and malevolence. 

You are President Trump’s keeper, O Lord. You are the shade on his right hand. Protect him from all forms of evil and keep his soul safe. We beg Your might to guard his voice, his going out, his coming in and his steadfast determination to protect his flock.

Lord God, we thank You for Your outcome today, and humbly ask for Your angels to continue standing guard in his path.  We plead for Your perfect wing to continue forming the perfect shield.  From this moment and forever until the end of our capacity, we pray for Your protection. In Jesus’ name.


Captain Convey Note 7/14/24

That photo is pretty telling….Secret Service crouched down, leaving Trump completely exposed.

This was planned, the only thing that didn’t go to plan is the assassi missed. That’s why the snipers behind President Trump fired right away, after the shooter fired.

The stories I’ve read from witnesses say authorities were acting like Keystone cops when people kept saying there’s a guy going from rooftop to rooftop with a rifle.

I listened to a former cop tell us that the cops at the rally were used to directing traffic and writing tickets therefore when a citizen pointed out the guy on the roof with a rifle they were NOT prepared to react to that because of their prior experience.

If you believe that, you need to move to Reo Linda, the city that Rush Limbaugh referred to, where people are dumb as in woke dumb or stupid!

Only the Lord above can save America from this evil demonic political party attempting to destroy the nation that God himself created.

I pray he will allow the election in November to NOT be stolen again.

It was not unexpected. President Trump’s heroism in the face of that real danger is an example of his love for US and a clarion call to never back down.

“FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!” God bless President Trump and America!!!

Why were the reports of a man on the rooftop with a rifle broke by foreign media?

Why did the SS wait till the kid got several shots off before shooting him?

Why were those rooftops available to anyone?

Answer it was planned.

The Secret Service did another type of JFK assassination job on President Trump but by the Grace of God and his Mercy, it FAILED!