There is a lot going on behind the scenes in the final weeks. Most political observers are now keenly aware of the difference between “ballots” and “votes” as they pertain to key counties: Fulton County, Georgia; Wayne County, Michigan; Philadelphia and Allegany counties, Pennsylvania; Clark County, Nevada; Milwaukee and Marquette counties, Wisconsin, and Maricopa County, Arizona.
These are the specific counties and cities (Philadelphia, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Detroit) where the process of mass-mail/distribution of ballots, in combination with the assembly/harvesting therein, meets the process of “ballot scanning” at county level tabulation centers. However, there’s another facet, “ballot making.”
Many people, including Robert F Kennedy Jr himself and his legal team in court filings, have presented the 2024 situation and asked a question. Essentially:
Why did the DNC apparatus sue to keep RFK JR’s name off certain state ballots and simultaneously sue to keep him on certain state ballots?
It just didn’t make sense….
… Until now.
County-level ballots were contracted for localized printing by those who intended to use blank ballots for fraudulent purposes; essentially “ballot making.”
RFK Jr’s name ON or OFF ballots, changes the dynamic of the paper format and the physical alignment in the scanner.
The county tabulation scanners need one ballot format per county to scan for vote tally.
In states where they preprinted/made the fraudulent county level ballots *without* RFK Jr’s name, the DNC sued to keep him off.
In states where they preprinted/made the fraudulent county level ballots *with* RFK Jr’s name, the DNC sued to keep him on.
That’s the answer.
That also helps put context on how long this localized mass ballot printing and tabulation plan has been in place. WATCH:
BREAKING: This exclusive clip points to a shocking new form of election fraud: Ballot making!
Details in #VindicatingTrump which opens THIS WEEKEND in theaters nationwide!
Get tickets now at
— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) September 26, 2024
The key location for 2024 ballot fraud detection…. are the tabulation centers!
Captain Convey Comment
I will admit I had to read this post about 3 times to get it.
In some counties RFK jr must be off the ballot.
In other counties RFK jr must be on the ballot.
It depends on the county in the state that allows unverified ballots to be counted as votes.
A ballot is NOT a real vote because in the fraud states and counties the ballots are not verified.
This means Anybody could dump preprinted ballots with kamala’s name checked and it would be counted as a vote even though it was never verified in any way.
Its called ballot stuffing.
This post is talking about a template for a harris ballot being ran through machines in the dead of night uping the fake numbers for kamala harris in states where unverified ballots are allowed and data centers employe corrupt people to operate the machines without anyone checking what they are doing.
This is the first hurdle President Trump must overcome.
The next one is the electorial vote count and the corrupt congress doing the counting.
If he makes it through that corrupt members of congress will try to keep him from becoming President on Jan 20, 2025 in other ways upto and including using proxies for his assassination.
If its God’s will Trump will become President he will.
If its God’s will he will serve 4 years, he will.
If its not God’s will Trump won’t.
Pray that it is God’s will President Trump will be elected and serve 4 years making America Great Again and hopefully seeing many foes put in jail.