Will President Trump Survive Despite The FBI And Secret Service Actively Trying To Secure His Demise? – Assassination By Omission or Proxy.


Captain Convey Comments

Every day either a whistle blower or a story in the real news reveals the Secret Service along with the help of the FBI are actively trying to cause the demise of President Trump.

By demise I mean assassinate him by omission or proxy.

The secret service is also telling President Trump they can’t protect him at wisconsin rallies and warn him not to go to that swing state.

The secret service is also telling Trump the same thing about other important swing states.

Yet the did provide protection for kamala harris when she went to wisconsin and other blue states.

The secret service is actively trying to cause the assassination of President Trump with the help of the FBI.

The secret service has lied to congress. The fbi has lied to congress.

The secret service and fbi has not provided to congress information that has been requested.

The secret service and fbi are covering up their past and ongoing efforts to cause the demise of President Trump.

If President Trump survives until Nov 5, 2024 it will be a miracle.

If President Trump survives after Nov 5, 2024 it will be another miracle.

If President Trump is sworn into office on Jan 20, 2025 it will be another miracle.

If President Trump serves 4 years without being assassinated with the active help of the secret service and fbi it will be another miracle!

Active help in the form of ignoring known threats and NOT providing protection for President Trump.

All the time lying to congress and the public.


When the JAB came out in 2020 it was hyped as safe and effective even though hundreds of scientists and others warned it was not safe.

The CDC told Americans the JAB was safe and effective.

A total 100% lie.

The CDC still tells the American people the same thing.

Its now documented the JAB causes blood clots and kills people.

Most of those that have got the JAB don’t know the truth they have a DNA ticking time bomb in their body.

Our government will lie about anything and everything because our government has been corrupted.

If you got the JAB you have to also worry about what batch it was in because different batches have different effects.

Some will die and some will live.

Don’t get the covid-19 JAB, its a killer.

Don’t believe the fbi or ss because they are too.


