The Secret Life Of J Edgar Hoover – J. Edgar The Movie

Dr John Money, professor of medical psychology at Johns Hopkins University, thought Hoover “needed constantly to destroy other people in order to maintain himself.

He managed to live with his conflict by making others pay the price.”

Dr Harold Lief, professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania, concluded that Hoover suffered from “a personality disorder, a narcissistic disorder with mixed obsessive features… paranoid elements, undue suspiciousness and some sadism.

A combination of narcissism and paranoia produces what is known as an authoritarian personality. Hoover would have made a perfect high-level Nazi.”

Blackmail was the tactic that worked for Hoover, too, in his dealings with politicians.

The title of a biography of him, Official and Confidential, derives from the name of a file group that was held in locked cabinets in Hoover’s office.

By an official count after his death, the Director held 883 files on senators and 722 on congressmen.

Many documents were shredded after Hoover’s death, but those that survive speak for themselves.


Captain Convey Comment

The authoritarian personality is face of the democrate party.

Who also has this type of personality?

Joe Biden – He has a narcissistic mind along with mixed obsessive features, paranoid elements, undue suspiciousness and some sadism.

Kalmala Harris – She would have also made a perfect high-level Nazi.

She has personality disorders, she also is a narcissist, has delusions and paranoia, another authoritarian personality.

If you elect Kalmala you will be electing another “perfect – high-level Nazi” as president.

Blackmail was the tactic that worked for Hoover in his dealings with politicians.

The FBI uses the same tactic today to control politicians.

This is how the FBI works.

It is a FERAL agency of the FERAL government.


Some additional comments below on

Joseph Olson

Joseph Olson

September 16, 2024 6:25 am

FBI covered up JFK, MLK, RFK, Davidian roast, OKC, WTC, laptops of Zacarias_Moussaoui, Weiner, Reptillary, Seth Rich, Hunter and more. Wray, appointed by DJT in 2017 covered up RussiaGate, Whitmere, J6 > FBI has enabled feral government crimes since 1924.



September 16, 2024 8:08 am

Reply to  Joseph Olson

So true.

Feral government.

A wild beast of a government enabled by FBI since 1924.

On May 10, 2024 J Edger Hoover begins his 48 year TENURE as FBI director.

Nixon, soon to be disgraced and forced to resign, was no paragon.

Most presidents before him, though, had had cause to fear Hoover or been troubled by what his FBI had become.

Harry S Truman wrote during his presidency: “We want no Gestapo or secret police. FBI is tending in that direction.

They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail… Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him.”

Hoover himself, meanwhile, had a personal secret that – in his era – could have destroyed him if revealed.

Clint Eastwood referred to it this year before the launch of his movie, when he assured the J Edgar Hoover Foundation that J Edgar, the movie, would not “portray an open homosexual relationship” between Hoover and his long-time male companion, Clyde Tolson.
