Dysfunctional Kamala Harris Speaks






Kamala and joe biden have much in common.

Compare their mental abilities.

Compare their personas.

Both are mentally impaired.

Both are arrogant and dull.

Both need massive coaching.

Both can get lost trying to find the bathroom.

Both are dysfunctional.

Both are lost without a teleprompter.

Both suddenly go off topic and wander in the desert lost.

Both stumble when left to fend for themself.

They are branch kin I suspect


Captain Convey Comment

Kamala has 3 big problems.

(1) she does talk through her nose and it is annoying.

(2) she can’t respond to questions in a rational logical manner.

(3) she is infected with cackleitis syndrome.

I suspect her brain sends signals to her voice bix in her nose.

Her nose begins to itch and twitch.

This is like a scratchy throat itch.

This triggers a long high pitched cackle that clears her nose voice box.

In other words when she clears he nose box she cackles.

This interfears with her short term memory so she responds to the disjointed thought in her head.

Cackleitis syndrome for sure.

No known cure.

My Cackelitis Syndrome Diagnoses has not been “peer” reviewed.

I don’t need it to be peer reviewed to be a valid diagnoses, in my opinion.

I have submitted my Cackleitis to:

Journal of Medical Internet Research. https://www.jmir.org/

They have not rejected my research about this so far.

I suspect it will be published in their journal soon.

Now you know the rest if the story.