Things Trump Should Do And Not Do. Trump Needs To Go UGLY On The Terrible Records Of Harris And Waltz.

“HE ASKED FOR IT” Victor Davis Hanson on Tim Walz’ Meltdown

Watch the above video and let it all sink in.


Captain Convey Comment

INATE existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth.

COGNITIVE:  of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering)

cognitive impairment

Kamala Harris has a cognitive impairment problem.

Her ability to reason in a logical way is very limited.

In this sense she is cognitively impaired like Joe Biden but in a different way.

Kamala Harris doesn’t have dementia but her ability to “think on her feet” when asked questions is very limited.

This is why when she is caught off guard and non scripted Kamala gives really dumb answers in a non logical manner.

Often in the past Kamala just gives a kackle instead of an answer to a question thats non scripted.

Kamala is IMPAIRED mentally.

She is a neo marxist as is her vp pick Waltz.

“White privilege” and “critical race theory” doctrines are ideological platforms and guidelines for the neoMarxist rhetoric of “systemic racism,” “collective justice,” “Black Lives Matter” and today’s “Antifa.”

Neo-Marxism refers to a collection of theories that amend or extend the Marxist theory.

These theories mostly appeared in the 20th century, aiming to explain questions that could not be explained by using traditional Marxist methods.

-Neo-Marxism focuses less on the capitalist economy and more on capitalist culture.

Marx’s call for “the liberation of man, via politics, from the ‘alienation’ imposed on him by the social orders that have been realized so far, and rooted only in the structure of these orders. Therefore, it implies the replacement of religion by politics for the sake of man’s liberation.” The effect of which is to negate both politics and religion.

Marx meant to eliminate from human understanding the very notions of conscience, thought, and comprehension.

Marx’s introduction of a sweeping anti-Christian understanding of human beings made possible the salient aspect of his atheism, which was to make God disappear altogether.

Carl Marx’s dismissal of conscience also explains his related dismissal of private property, civil society, and the family.

Kamala Harris is devoid of conscience, thought and comprehension.

She, as a Marxist promotes in a subtle, deceptive way all the aspects of Marxism.

Kamala Harris is a puppet who has controllers.

They are promoting her to promote their dire agenda, Marxism for America.

President Trump can defeat Harris and vp pick Waltz who is another marxist hit man.

To do this Trump needs to win UGLY!

He needs to do whatever it takes.

Trump needs to suppress his ego.

Its not about being cheated in Georgia.

Or mysterious vote counting.

Its not about how you beat Joe Biden in a debate.

Its not even about your being shot.

Victor Hansen is correct.

He says you need to prep, prep, prep prep for a debate with Kamala Harris.

Don’t do what your did in the Biden debate.

Prepare much better for a debate with Kamala Harris.

Do a “hit job” on Kamala Harris detailing her failed policies and record.

Do a “hit job” on vp choice Waltz.

Go UGLY on both of them.

Hit them both right between the eyes with their terrible records.

“HE ASKED FOR IT” Victor Davis Hanson on Tim Walz’ Meltdown

Watch the above video and let it all sink in.