Brian Fallon Needs Kamala Harris to Remain Totally Silent – Let Media Do the Campaign Work

Copied directly from article on Sept 12, 2024

Kamala Harris will likely be the only U.S. presidential candidate in history to never hold a press conference.

Just as her campaign was constructed without her campaigning in a primary, so too is her general election campaign constructed without her visible input or activity. 

Yes, America, in this modern era of pretending, the Democrats are trying to elect a person who is invisible and silent to the public.

There’s a specific reason this approach is needed.

If candidate Kamala Harris becomes visible, talks or tries to discuss policy, her tenuously fabricated support levels will collapse.

Or, as those around Brian Fallon openly admit, if Harris campaigns, she loses.

If Kamala Harris campaigns, holds press conferences, or talks publicly about her policy proposals, she will lose.

This is the problem that Brian Fallon is trying to manage; fortunately, the campaign has a new era of Taylor Swift influencers to try and retain the guise to gullible voters.

One of the big problems for campaign director Brian Fallon, is Kamala’s linguistic pattern, ie. how she talks.

There has never been a successful politician in history who talks through their nose in a nasal dialect; it is just too annoying to the average ear.

The same principle applies in business; there are very few people in leadership positions with linguistic afflictions (nasal talkers specifically).

The only person with nasal linguistics (speech and dialect patterns) who came close to success, was Ross Perot.

Kamala Harris has a speech pattern that is very annoying. 

This sounds shallow, but it is a factual challenge that Brian Fallon is trying to overcome by keeping the principal quiet.

Quite simply, every time Kamala Harris opens her mouth, she loses votes.

Even with a completely compliant press corps, it’s not the questions that pose the problems; it’s Harris’s need to talk in response.

Captain Convey Comment

Kamala has 3 big problems.

(1) she does talk through her nose and it is annoying.

(2) she can’t respond to questions in a rational logical manner.

(3) she is infected with cackleitis syndrome.

I suspect her brain sends signals to her voice bix in her nose.

Her nose begins to itch and twitch.

This is like a scratchy throat itch.

This triggers a long high pitched cackle that clears her nose voice box.

In other words when she clears he nose box she cackles.

This interfears with her short term memory so she responds to the disjointed thought in her head.

Cackleitis syndrome for sure.

No known cure.

My Cackelitis Syndrome Diagnoses has not been “peer” reviewed.

I don’t need it to be peer reviewed to be a valid diagnoses, in my opinion.

I have submitted my Cackleitis to:

Journal of Medical Internet Research.

They have not rejected my research about this so far.

I suspect it will be published in their journal soon.

Now you know the rest if the story.
