The Silver Bullet That Shot Down The Alex Baldwin Manslaughter Rust Trial

Captain Convey Note

Erlinda Ocampo Johnson, a lawyer on the prosecution team in the case, resigned because the prosecution team would not agree to dismiss the case after it was revealed that evidence that should have been provided to the defense was not provided as required.

She knew it was wrong and decided to resign, not wanting to be a part of the prosecution team any longer.

The evidence in question was in a doc file, under a DIFFERENT case number that kept it hidden from the defense attorneys for Alex Baldwin.

The detective working with the prosecution revealed under defense questioning that she was instruction to put the additional evidence in a separate doc file under a separate case number.

She said herself, her lieutenant in charge of the rust shooting investigation, and the prosecution all decided together to put the additional evidence in a doc file under a different case number.

The Rust police dept detective, her boss the lieutenant and the prosecution all were involved in effectively hiding the evidence from the defense team for Alex Baldwin.

Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer ruled in favor of the defense and agreed that the charges against Baldwin should be dropped, finding that the state had concealed evidence that would have been favorable to the actor.

The dismissal, made with prejudice, puts an end to the involuntary manslaughter case against Baldwin.

“The state’s willful withholding of information was intentional and deliberate,” Sommer said. “There is no way for the court to right this wrong.”

Let me do some “detective” stuff here: {Captain Convey}

“According to the defense’s motion, authorities knew that Teske had information about Rust set ammunition for years. Kenney called Teske — who, like Kenney, was friends with Gutierrez-Reed’s father, famed armorer Thell Reed — during a police interview on November 1, 2021; after this sit-down, Teske sent authorities a photo of ammunition that didn’t match rounds found on the Rust set.

Kenney then sent this photo to the then-case detective. In an interview with Teske the next day, a prosecutor asked him to provide ammunition from a batch Kenney had used elsewhere.

Teske said he would turn it over, and the prosecutor said she would coordinate its collection, but authorities didn’t follow up.”

All of a sudden and out of the blue pops up a photo of rounds that didn’t match rounds found on the Rust set. Sent to the defense team on day 3 of trial.

This happened on day 3 of the Alex Baldwin trial for a reason.

If the photo had been “sent” to the Alex Baldwin defense on day 1 I suspect the Judge would have not allowed a defense motion to dismiss the trial.

The defense had asked that the trial be dismissed on day 1 and 2 for other reasons setting up for the bomb shell evidence on day 3.

Perfect timing to get the Judge to dismiss the trial.

I suspect that the defense team knew about the photo before day 1 or the trial.

They knew Teske had information about Rust set ammunition.

Kenney called Teske — who, like Kenney, was friends with Gutierrez-Reed’s father, famed armorer Thell Reed — during a police interview on November 1, 2021; after this sit-down, Teske sent authorities a photo of ammunition that didn’t match rounds found on the Rust set.

So who sent the photo in question to the defense team?

When was the photo sent to the defense team?

Who sent the photo to the defense team?

I suspect:

Kenny or Teske for sure!

“Kenney called Teske — who, like Kenney, was friends with Gutierrez-Reed’s father.”

All the Alex Baldwin defense team had to do was:

“Load the information about the mystery pic into the defense “gun” and on day 3 or the trial pull the trigger, fire the “gun” and expose the information so the judge would be forced to dismiss the Alex Baldwin trial.

If this was done before the trial began the defense would have received the hidden doc information and it would not have resulted in what the defense team wanted all along which was for the judge to dismiss the trial with Prejudice.

I think the defense motion to get the trial dismissed was planned in advance.

The prosecution team, I think, didn’t know the defense team had this information and thought they were good to go.

Day 3 “silver bullet” killed the prosecution case against Alex Baldwin.

So what was Baldwin really thinking when he cocked, pointed and pulled the trigger of the gun at the person killed?

I can only speculate.

It was a rehearsal for filming.

He was told what to do by the person he shot, the director.

Was he told to point the gun at the director?

Was he told to cock the gun?

Was he told to pull the trigger?


He was told to take the gun out of the holster a few times and act like he was pointing it when they were going to film.

Did he know there was a live round in the gun?

I suspect he did not.

Should he have check the gun for rounds?

He could have but the gun Armourer was responsible for that.

Was he IRRESPONSIBLE for not checking the gun rounds.


What Baldwin should have NOT done was cock and pull the trigger of the gun.

If Alex Baldwin really assumed that the gun was loaded with dummy rounds he would also assume the gun could not harm anyone.

Baldwin did do some stupid things.

Keep in mind Baldwin did some stupid things also while on the set of Rust that he should not have done with a gun.

The Rust set Armourer did several stupid things including NOT making sure the rounds in Baldwins gun were all dummy rounds.

Because she didn’t a person was killed.

Is the armourer responsible for the death of the director.


Is Alex Baldwin responsible for the death of the director?

Even though he pulled the trigger of the gun that killed the director and wounded another person he was NOT.

I will agree that if he had not cocked the gun, pointed it at the director and pulled the trigger she would not have been shot.

He was acting following her directions.

He didn’t need to cock the trigger, point the gun at someone and then pull the trigger.

Remember he was rehearsing for filming.

Maybe he cocked the gun, pointed the gun and pulled the trigger thinking that would be more of something the director would want when the scene?

Or maybe Alex Baldwin is just stupid! Arrogant Yes. Stupid like a fox?

He is arrogant and full of himself for sure.

Justice was served for Alex Baldwin in a timely way but like a movie scene in Rust.

Did Alex Baldwin direct his defense team to do act 3 on day 3 of the trial?

You can bet money on it.

I think Baldwin actually directed he way into a trial dismissal on day 3.

Corrupt prosecutors don’t often get exposed by Judges.

In this case the Judge made all the difference and did what she should have done given the evidence.

Unlike other judges in various cases that allow corrupt prosecutors to corrupt the judicial system like in President Trumps cases.

New York is a cesspool of corrupt judges, prosecutors and lawyers.

The Alex Baldwin Prosecutor that took the stand herself is really stupid and should face criminal charges herself!!

What do you think?

Do you agree with me?